View Full Version : Automatic Backup CD, after taking backup, boot on

01-15-2008, 07:49 AM
Hello all,

I did not find any posts regarding this kind of solution.

So, I have an old SCO system that I need to back up completely, every night. My plan is: create a Knoppix or other Linux CD, that would stay in the CD-drive always. Then we'll boot the SCO every night, then the Linux CD takes a complete backup of the hard drives using dd for the system drives and tar for others, then after taking the backup, it would shutdown itself and boot from the first system hard drive, hence booting it back into standard SCO, which runs a business critical system.

I have never created such a bootable Linux, even though I have plenty of experience with Linuxes and Unixes. I do know how to add the backup scripts and such, but I am not sure how to make it boot to the SCO again after the backup.

I would be grateful on advice. Also all tips towards good guides on creating custom Knoppix CD are welcome.

Thanks in advance.