View Full Version : Can I log in as a user other than 'knoppix'

01-15-2008, 04:27 PM
Hi all,

Since I haven't gotten a response about changing permissions or getting my drives to mount as read/write, maybe I can solve the problem I am having by logging in to the knoppix machine as a user other than 'knoppix'.

I have files on a mounted drive that are owned by the user 'mail'. I need to get these files off this drive and on to another one in order to recover my server. As the files are owned by user "mail", the normal login as user "knoppix" will not allow me to copy the files to a network drive.

I have setup an FTP server on another local machine and I also have started the samba server on the knoppix machine. I can get other files that are accessible to the knoppix user, just not those owned by other users.

Any suggestions how to gain access to these files would be greatly appreciated as I have now been down for 1 week.



01-15-2008, 05:53 PM
Try this: at the boot prompt : knoppix 2

This will boot knoppix in runlevel 2 and the user will be root. You may not have icons for every drive on the system, and might need to mount them manually, with appropriate permissions.


03-30-2008, 10:22 PM

I'm new to linux and I'm finding my way around in Knoppix via a LiveDVD version. So far everything works fine and I got pretty much all hardware to work and the configuration storage seems to work well, too.

I'm wondering how it works with different users. I have set up a user account for myself and a guest account, I can change to root via the console and to these accounts too. But I cannot log on as a different user from the "switch user" command in the K menu, neither do I get any user log on prompt at startup. I think I have everything set up correctly in the login manager.

What do I do?

thanks very much,
