View Full Version : Changing startup browser/adding files to desktop

01-23-2008, 09:42 PM
Hi there,

First of all PLEASE forgive me for being a newbie to Linux. But so far I'm loving Knoppix. :) I am able to boot it from the USB drive, so that part's okay.

:arrow: I will be distributing Knoppix on USB drives and a large website will be included on it (loaded from the browser off the USB drive, NOT thru the internet). Where should I put these files for the website? Just on the USB drive...anywhere?

:arrow: Also, I need to add an icon on the desktop to launch this site in the browser, a shortcut... where will I be able to add this so it comes up every time Knoppix is started?

:arrow: Finally, is there any way to stop the browser from popping up with the Knoppix page? (Or maybe redirect it so it loads with this website I'm putting on there?)

Any help is greatly appreciated , thank you so much!

01-24-2008, 10:35 AM
Hi there,

First of all PLEASE forgive me for being a newbie to Linux. But so far I'm loving Knoppix. :) I am able to boot it from the USB drive, so that part's okay.

:arrow: I will be distributing Knoppix on USB drives and a large website will be included on it (loaded from the browser off the USB drive, NOT thru the internet). Where should I put these files for the website? Just on the USB drive...anywhere?

:arrow: Also, I need to add an icon on the desktop to launch this site in the browser, a shortcut... where will I be able to add this so it comes up every time Knoppix is started?

:arrow: Finally, is there any way to stop the browser from popping up with the Knoppix page? (Or maybe redirect it so it loads with this website I'm putting on there?)

Any help is greatly appreciated , thank you so much!

All your questions are answered on the remastering wiki:


at least for a CD. The problem you've got with a USB drive are:

Not all computers can boot from a USB drive
Being a USB drive it is writable, so your distribution can get damaged,
altered, deleted, - no such problem with a CD
Hope that helps

01-24-2008, 07:14 PM
Thanks very much! :)

The website is much too big for a CD, but perhaps would work on a dvd. . .

Silly question: Would the CD distro of Knoppix work fine if put onto a CD, or do I need the DVD one?

Thank you!! 8)

01-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Yes the CD version works fine when remastered to a CD, make sure you read the wiki, to remaster for the CD you need at least 1G memory (made up from physical and swap or just physical if you have 1G ram) and a partition with at least 3G spare.

02-07-2008, 04:13 PM
Just a note: not all computers may have DVD drives. :)

and as for the usb drives being modified, you can a: put the files inside the cloop, should be unmodifiable, or b: make sure it's mounted as -ro, not -rw.