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View Full Version : Network Booting from a Windows Server - User Authentication?

02-24-2008, 08:41 PM
I'm new to all this network booting stuff but luckily was able to figure out how to boot Knoppix from a SMB Share on Windows 2003 server. :-)

The only problem is that the SMB share holding the Knoppix image is accessible for everybody. I have to find a way to enable user or client authentication. Any idea how to do this?

I guess I have to modify the kernel parameter specified by APPEND:

APPEND secure nfsdir=// nodhcp lang=en ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init apm=poweroff nomce vga=791 initrd=miniroot.gz quiet BOOT_IMAGE=KNOPPIX

Is it possible to specify a user name and a password there?
