View Full Version : SSHing Knoppix x 2 - problems!

03-08-2008, 06:40 AM
I'm running clusterKnoppix and desperately trying to get a cluster up and running. The closeset I've been able to get is that openmosixview shows my 2nd node as joined but red and non-functioning. I started getting messages about the connection from my node on port 22. It was timing out. I'm assuming that I need to fix SSH and I have read that SSH needs to be passwordless for openmosix to really use it. Sooo, I did an experiment: Load 2 boxes both with clusterKnoppix, get an id_rsa.pub set up on it, and then copy it from my other computer.

What I got was annoying. I have vi'ed into the sshd_conf file and allowed empty passwords. I've also allowed PubkeyAuthorization. When I create the ssh-key, I leave the pass phrase blank. When I get on my other computer, i attempt to scp the id_rsa.pub file into my system into an authorized_key file...but it prompts me for the Password:. I can't give Password: anything it likes. I'm not even sure what password its asking me for? Root? The pass phrase?. I even did passwd on the first computer and set the root password....and it would not accept what i set for Roots password. What am I missing here?

03-08-2008, 06:58 PM
I'm running clusterKnoppix and desperately trying to get a cluster up and running. The closeset I've been able to get is that openmosixview shows my 2nd node as joined but red and non-functioning. I started getting messages about the connection from my node on port 22. It was timing out. I'..........................

.........ts me for the Password:. I can't give Password: anything it likes. I'm not even sure what password its asking me for? Root? The pass phrase?. I even did passwd on the first computer and set the root password....and it would not accept what i set for Roots password. What am I missing here?
Is has probably something to do with access rights or ownership. SSH refuses to function passwordless is the access rights are wrong.

Do something like this on the server (from http://www.stearns.org/doc/ssh-techniques.current.html ):
chmod 700 ~
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Also check file ownership.