View Full Version : Iceweasel and gtk-qt-engine, qtcurve?

04-07-2008, 07:47 PM

I can't seen to get the gtk-qt-engine to apply properly the qtcurve theme. Or at least it doesn't apply to Iceweasel. This works great on an installed Debian, but seemingly not with Knoppix 5.3.1.

The toolbars and stuff just look really ugly on Iceweasel in Knoppix. It doesn't even look like it does before applying that gtk2-engine-qtcurve and kwin-style-qtcurve in other distros. Kind of an eyesore to even use Iceweasel, which I prefer to Konqueror for web browsing.

It's best on Debian, in comparison to Mandriva or OpenSUSE. That qtcurve makes the titlebars nice and smooth and curvy, and apply a pretty blue scrollbar, which doesn't appear on SUSE but looks great on Debian. But on Knoppix, nothing changes.

I install the packages, apply the theme in the gtk engines in KControl, logout and in, and Iceweasel looks exactly the same.

How come it's not working?

Edit -

Hmm, someone's having a similar problem in Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.9:


Perhaps there's some conflict between older and newer versions of this kind of thing. Install the wrong one and it doesn't work? I checked around and printed out some guides on the Gentoo, Arch, and OpenSUSE wiki's, but those config file edits really shouldn't be involved here if the app is working as designed.

Debian's KDE 3.5.9 on Lenny has no problem applying the qtcurve style and KDE fonts (yeah, the fonts also don't change). No need to change the whole KDE style to qtcurve. That stays as Plastic.

I don't mean the webpage fonts. Those change fine when I change them in Iceweasel's preferences.

I think there is some difference between how Knoppix handles the fonts changed in KControl. I've noticed that when I change to the Microsoft fonts I install on Knoppix, the kicker and start panel fonts appear smaller and somewhat italicized, unlike on other distros where they initially do that but then go normal after logging out and in. On Knoppix they stay somewhat messed up, except in Konqueror which gets them appearing properly on the toolbars and within folders when I set it within the Konqueror font options. I do set things in both kcontrol and kdesu kcontrol, as well as in gnome-control-center and gksu gnome-control-center and in Iceweasel and Konqueror. All that should make them appear the same everywhere, but not so in Knoppix.

Some config file mucking up the works?