View Full Version : Debian screen under compiz

04-25-2008, 07:20 AM
I am usin Knoppix 5.3.1 in live mode. When I turn the cube (Compiz-fusion and Ctrl+Alt+left button on mouse) after two turns appears as backscreen a DEBIAN light screen. I like it. How can I install it in other distros when I use compiz-fusion?

04-27-2008, 08:05 PM
Any answer?

04-27-2008, 09:45 PM
It's what's known as a skydome, except in this case it uses the Debian Cubecap.

In CompizConfig-Settings-Manager (CCSM), look in the Cube plugin for the skydome section and see what the path to it is.

If it's just the name of it, it's probably in the compiz directory, /usr/share/compiz. Probably there, and I think I recall it was one of the cubecaps in there.

Better write down whatever settings for the skydome are in that panel so it will look like that on your other distro installations. Knoppix does not use the standard defaults. It's rather customized all through ccsm.