View Full Version : Folders with "foreign letters" (Æ,Ø,Å) not show

05-31-2008, 07:32 PM
I am trying to rescue some files from a crashed hard drive, and while most were easily saved (thanks!), those folders with æ, ø or å in their names are nowhere to be found. Is there a way to force Knoppix to show/copy folders and files with Scandinavian letters, or do you think downloading the Danish version may be a solution?

Thanks in advance!

06-04-2008, 10:11 AM
Edit: Figured out the keyboard shortcuts, and it seems all files with æ, ø and å in their names are showing up :D

Now is there any reason why my mouse is loaded, but not responding? Doesn't Dappix support optical mice (not USB)?

Edit2: How do I "right-click" to change permissions on a HD, using only the keyboard?

Edit3: I figured it out :) To make this thread somewhat useful for newbies like myself:

Dappix supports Scandinavian letters in file names, but seems to have some problems with optical mice. When navigating using the keyboard, Ctrl+w+Enter closes the foreground window, the rest is more or less like Windows. Alt+F2 gives you a command prompt, and "sudo mount -o remount,dev,rw /mnt/sda1" gives you write-permissions on hard drive sda1.

Thanks again to the developers!