View Full Version : use with colinux

08-18-2008, 11:58 PM

I was looking for a way to read/write XFS filesystem for my USB hd under Windows Vista, and the solution I found is to have KNOPPIX running in VMWare Server, with the USD drive directly attached as physical drive.
However, while searching the net, I found this product, called coLinux, which allows to run a linux side-by-side with Windows.
My idea is now to try to have KNOPPIX (which is quite easy to use, yeah !) running from coLinux, as a LiveCD of course, and then mount the USB drive as XFS.
I don't know if it is possible, wether KNOPPIX can or cannot run from coLinux.
Also, it seems that in the old days someone found a way to do it with a Japanese version of KNOPPIX.

I've tried changing the initrd=initrd.gz with others, and change some others coLinux settings, but it is definitly not working, and this is the best I can do on linux ;(

Can anyone help on this ?

Thanks in advance.