View Full Version : Put knoppix DVD into 3 parts below 2Gb so XP can download

09-11-2008, 12:52 AM
All someone needs to do is break the knoppix DVD into 3 parts. Each part being below 2 Gb so I can download via Windows http

A friend used a torrent, md5 checked out okay so he copied to dvd for me but then I got it and md5 didn't match, corrupted files on dvd, only a few html files would and the others wouldn't. Qemu wouldn't even start. Can anyone recommend the best way to put knoppix onto DVD?

And after an image is burned to DVD can the md5 check still be performed on that disc?

Harry Kuhman
09-11-2008, 02:09 AM
Can anyone recommend the best way to put knoppix onto DVD?
Burn it as an image at slow speed with Nero or any other burning software that knows how to deal with ISO files, exactly as explained in the Downloading FAQ. If using Nero, use the Verify Burn option to check the burn.

And after an image is burned to DVD can the md5 check still be performed on that disc?
No. There is a testcd feature, but it does not check everything the way the MD5 test does.

09-11-2008, 05:16 PM
The download was okay it was the burning process he was using that wasn't good. He got a hold of Nero and burned it using that with success.

I will have to give it a spin.

Is there an md5 checksum for the 5.3.1 CD version that was put out by someone in Japan?

Harry Kuhman
09-11-2008, 05:53 PM
Glad to hear that you finally have a DVD.

As far as I know there was not an MD5 posted for the Japanese remake of 5.3.1 into a CD. But since you already have a copy of 5.3.1 on DVD, I would suggest that you would be much better served by getting a 5.1.1 CD. It would be more standard and give you a chance to see if there was really any improvement (beyond more software on a DVD release) from 5.1.1. to 5.3.1 (I didn't see any but maybe your configuration would be different). Of course, there is a published md5 for 5.1.1 CD, and 5.1.1 CD can be downloaded quickly and reliably by BitTorrent or somewhat slower and much less reliably from the mirrors that you have access to through your work connection.