View Full Version : Samba Sharing?

Oblivious Sage
10-30-2008, 02:13 PM
I'm trying to use Knoppix to recover some files from a dead install of Windows XP. All my partitions are formatted in NTFS, so I can't just move my files off the OS partition because all of them are read-only in Knoppix (supposedly I can write to them, but people apparently don't recommend it). My roommate has a server running Ubuntu with 2 drives that have plenty of space shared through Samba, but I can't seem to get at them. When I try to browse to them using the browse for the "Open Location" menu in Konqueror, I look under "Samba Shares" and I find Workgroup (which is what it's in, I could access them fine from Windows), but Workgroup times out when I try to access it.

What can I do to try to connect to these drives, keeping in mind I know almost nothing about LInux? Sorry if this should be in the Networking section...

Harry Kuhman
10-30-2008, 02:23 PM
In theory you should be able to use samba. In pratice I've seen it sometimes work well and sometimes not. Let me offer another suggestion that may be a lot simpler than resolving the samba issue. Use FTP. Your roommate's system may already have a FTP server installed, if not you should be able to install and configure one easily. Once you have a FTP server up and running you can easily transfer the files that you want to save with Konquror as the FTP client in Knoppix. I'm not going to try to talk you through the exact steps for an FTP install and starting the srever, there should be plenty of other detailed info on the web.

Oblivious Sage
10-30-2008, 03:07 PM
Yeah, that should work. My roommate was already thinking about putting an FTP server program on there, so it shouldn't be hard to do that. Thanks again for the advice, Harry!