View Full Version : Knoppix UFO's

01-14-2009, 05:21 PM
Running Knoppix and enjoying it immensely, but puzzled when, on clicking on dev/hda1 which is my 'C' drive in Windows, to find a facsimile of every one of the drives in the form of a ghostly disk images, DVD or CD , whichever, pop onto the screen, all complete with the hda1 or S0 or Sdb1 or whatever name tag, all lined up on the screen. It is rather disconcerting. It is impossible to delete them or get rid of them in any way. As long as they are on the screen I cannot use eith or the drives they represent. All I can do is shut down and restart Knoppix.

Now I could think that I am unique in having this problem, but logic says otherwise. So I am guessing that other users of Knoppix have experienced this phenomina at one time or another. This has happened three times to me so far. Is it a bug in Knoppix or is it a cause of something I am doing? Any help on this would be gratefully recieved. Regards Grandad.

01-14-2009, 10:00 PM
No, Grandad displaying drive icons is a feature of KDE, not knoppix.
Right click the desktop, choose properties, appearance drive icons.
You can turn off all drive icons, or you will find an option to display
unmounted partitions and mounted partitions, etc.

Remember that as a live CD, this is a very desirable feature, if you went
to repair someones computer, youd instantly need to know how its partitioned,
seeing hda1, hda2 etc is a quick and easy way of viewing partitions without
even running fdisk -l

If you want a permanent linux distro then Debian, Ubuntu or PCLinux OS come
highly recommended. You should only ever consider installing Knoppix if you have
at least a couple years unix/linux experience.
Hope that helps.

01-15-2009, 02:41 PM
Well I have to say, you guy's really are a tremendous help. After what you have told me, I am not so worried now about the UFO's lying there on my desktop. I would rather they were not there as they appear to serve no purpose, except to make the desktop look cluttered. I like the KDE desktop and it serves my needs fine. I wonder if there is a way for me to post a picture showing the desktop and the UFO's? This might help others who may not have encountered the phenomina.

Just installed another 1GB of memory. My Optiplex GX260 can only support 2GB, but now I should be able to run Knoppix in RAM. That will possibly speed things up for me. I am getting to know Knoppix more every day and am more than satisfied with it. Have no intention of turning to another distro. Thanks again for being so kind. Regards Grandad Walt. :lol:

01-15-2009, 10:29 PM
Well I have to say, you guy's really are a tremendous help. After what you have told me, I am not so worried now about the UFO's lying there on my desktop. I would rather they were not there as they appear to serve no purpose, except to make the desktop look cluttered. I like the KDE desktop and it serves my needs fine. I wonder if there is a way for me to post a picture showing the desktop and the UFO's? This might help others who may not have encountered the phenomina.

Just installed another 1GB of memory. My Optiplex GX260 can only support 2GB, but now I should be able to run Knoppix in RAM. That will possibly speed things up for me. I am getting to know Knoppix more every day and am more than satisfied with it. Have no intention of turning to another distro. Thanks again for being so kind. Regards Grandad Walt. :lol:

You can use gimp to take a snapshot of the entire screen and save it in png or jpg format.
Now you may be able to upload the image to either personal web space and quote the link
or you may be able to upload it to the forum.
When you post there are "Img" Image tags at the top, below subject line.

01-18-2009, 02:45 PM
Thanks again. I will leave that side of it until I get the book I have sent for. Grokking the Gimp. I think that will be a big help to me, or at least I hope so. Regarding the 'UFO's' they have not reapeared on the last three times I ran Knoppix, so maybe I am using the software more sensibly. Hope so as it is the best. Why did I ever think I could not do without windoze? Thanks again for all your help and advice. Grandad Walt