View Full Version : Mounting with Write Access

02-12-2009, 02:51 PM
Hello everyone. In Knoppix 5.1, I had no trouble mounting flash drives and NTFS partitions with write access. Now when i try to do it under Knoppix 6, it says "Read-only file system" whenever I try to create a directory. It seemed to have did it automatically under 5.1.

Something else I notice is when I install knoppix to a flash drive, and reboot, I have to recreate the mount points (/media/sda1 for example)

Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks - Jason

02-13-2009, 10:20 PM
Knoppix 6 desktop does not use KDE it uses LXDE a different desktop with different properties.
you will therefore need to write a bash script to modify your mount points, or install a different desktop

Harry Kuhman
02-14-2009, 01:00 AM
I would just try the mount command from a shell. Open a shell and type man mount for details. It's been a long time since I was new to Knoppix and did it this way, but I was able to change the permission (of a FAT partition) this way when pretty new to Linux with no problem. However, if you are trying to write to NTFS please ignore this post, I want to have no part in anyone trying to write to NTFS with Knoppix.

02-24-2009, 08:34 PM
Hello, I had recently the same issue,
but I've right now found a solution:
I'm running knoppix usualy withnout GUI, so I do type
knoppix 2 at the isolinux boot screen.
When I've used mount
/dev/ntfs_partition /tmp/some_dir It was completed succesfuly, but without write permisions.
So, I've tried ntfsmount
/dev/ntfs_partition /tmp/some_dir and it returned error that "fuse" module is not loaded,
after entering
modprobe fuse the command
ntfsmount /dev/ntfs_partition /tmp/some_dir completed succesfully with write privileges.
I hope this will be useful for others too :-)

Hello everyone. In Knoppix 5.1, I had no trouble mounting flash drives and NTFS partitions with write access. Now when i try to do it under Knoppix 6, it says "Read-only file system" whenever I try to create a directory. It seemed to have did it automatically under 5.1.

Something else I notice is when I install knoppix to a flash drive, and reboot, I have to recreate the mount points (/media/sda1 for example)

Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks - Jason