View Full Version : Knoppix 6.01: how do I get iceweasel to play flash vids ?

03-01-2009, 07:39 PM
Just installed Knoppix 6.01 in a VM running on Windows. Installed the Adobe flash plugin (v. 10.x) via the extra software install option from the menu. Iceweasel reports the new plug-in ok. However, it still doesn't play any youtube vids (java-script enabled for this site). Any clues ?

04-24-2009, 03:11 PM
Hi, you may try a manual install as it always worked for me in Knoppix 6.0.
http://www.techsupportforum.com/alternative-computing/linux-support/305734-how-install-flash-player-plugin-knoppix.html (response is in post #7).

Well, you must restart Iceweasel.