View Full Version : Remaster Knoppix for Webserving only

06-05-2003, 06:35 AM
I have Knoppix 3.1, will get 3.2 later on.

I've been having a go at Remastering it following the Docs on here, still having trouble understanding it in n00b terms. I've not used Debian only RH. I found that I had to do most things in RH, then switch to Knoppix for certain commands and have been switching to and from both OS.

I've got as far as ready to remove the programs I don't need. Basically all I want is just the programs required to run Apache, MySQL, PHP4, that's all I'd need for now.

What programs can I get rid of just so I'll be able to just run those programs, would probably need a GUI (KDE) and browser to view local pages.

I can run Knoppix 3.1 no problems with Apache and MySQL, but would like the CD to only have those programs listed above, what can I remove?

06-06-2003, 03:25 AM
Can you just give me a list of what to keep so I can get knoppix at least running and be able to run Apache, MySQL and PHP4. Knoppix already does this but still has all the unneccessary programs on it that I don't need for this computer.

06-06-2003, 04:46 AM
Can you just give me a list of what to keep so I can get knoppix at least running and be able to run Apache, MySQL and PHP4. Knoppix already does this but still has all the unneccessary programs on it that I don't need for this computer.

You don't need a list just start removing programs eg. KDE,X, anything and everything as long as the action is not going to remove the three programs you want and apt-cache showpgk < package_name > will show you what the package depends upon.