View Full Version : manual login?

06-15-2009, 02:51 PM

I installed Knoppix 6.0.1 on a usb drive! On the readme_security.txt file I can read:

2.) There are no default passwords. All accounts are locked by default.
Even local logins are not possible (unless you set a password or create
new user accounts as root)

I used sudo passwd to put a password for the user "knoppix", then tryed also to add e new user with adduser... but the login is still automatic!

At least, is possible to set it asking password when sudo command is used?

Can you help me?


06-15-2009, 10:53 PM
News: i enabled the password request when sudo command is used by modifing the visudo...

no news for the login...

In ubuntu there is a file /etc/gdm/gdm.conf with the line AutomaticLoginEnable=true/false... but here in knoppix this file doesn't exist... someone know the file were knoppix save the login settings?

Thank you