View Full Version : customizing knoppix adriane, need advice

07-13-2009, 07:25 AM
since useing damn small linux, i been trying to find a good small USB friendly OS. slax and puppy are great for some people, just didn't work for me. knoppix is the most all around computer friendly i've found so far. DSL is also too outdated and difficult to use. what im looking to do is get a bareboned bootable user friendly knoppix customized with programs i use daily. is there a list of "safe" packages i can delete without compromising the backbone of knoppix? if i can get a foundation to build on i think i can maanage the rest.

im trying to build on knoppix 6 released in feb 2009 and already deleted everything with openoffice in the name, saving around 300 MB's already. anyone have any advice?

07-13-2009, 01:14 PM
Try and check out what has been left out in other remasterings:
1) Of Knoppix 6.0.1
2) Of earlier versions
Also check the size - big chunks like OpenOffice really helps, small packages may be left in until you are sure about them.
I think you have to define the "backbone of Knoppix" yourself. I doubt Java is needed for getting it up and running, for example. But it may not be the best thing to leave out, though.. For my use, that is ;) YMMV

By the way: What is your size goal, and why? Using mostly USB pendrives, I don't feel that need to strip down the basic install, anymore.

12-22-2009, 01:29 AM
Try and check out what has been left out in other remasterings...
I think you have to define the "backbone of Knoppix" yourself. ..

I think that there are a whole "zoo" of "backbone" definition that can be done...

I did a little test in "opening and closing" a remaster for the 6.2 and succeed with the new .ISO image.
Now, one of the "zoo" definition I want to try is that: "Knoppix VirtualBox Player" (just backbone to run VBox from "live media").
Just software enough to run the VirtualBox (perhaps GParted and few other basic stuff).
I mean, boot from the live knoppix and run VBox "out of the box", so that I can import and run any "O.S." I want (Virtual Machines).

Anybody has any idea about the final size of the .ISO that can be achieved?

Has anybody tried it and can give us advice?

Thanks all,