View Full Version : CD big enought to download Knoppics

07-13-2009, 04:55 PM
Where can I find a CD big enought to download Knoppics 5.3 more than 4gb

Harry Kuhman
07-13-2009, 05:17 PM
There are so many things wrong with that question that at first I suspected that English wasn't your native language, but based on where you posted from that isn't the case.

First of all, Downloading the Knoppix file(s) is not dependent on the file size, at least as far as a CD is concerned. For downloading what is important is that you not try to save a file over 4 gig in size to a FAT partition, which will not hold files 4 gig and larger. If you are downloading with Windows you would need to use a system with the "newer" NTFS fle system, which allows for larger files.

Next, as far as burning and CDs are concerned, the KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN image is not intended to be written to a CD. It is intended to be written to a DVD media. In addition to the size, notice the letters DVD right after the version number. It will fit on a single layer DVD media when burnt properly. There was no CD version of 5.3.1. released. But there is still a copy of 5.1.1 CD available by the torrents (as well as the DVD version of 5.1.1) for those who only have CD burning available. And, I hope this is obvious but I'll state it anyway, you would have to burn the image on a system that supports files over 4 gig in size, so you can't burn the ISO from older systems which only support FAT partition types. So no burning of the DVD from Win98, even if you have a DVD burner on that system.

07-13-2009, 07:33 PM
I live in the north east of England where some say English is not spoken but they are mainly from the south that say that. I have had Linux for around five years but not Knoppics but I have a brand new laptop Asus that has a problem one way or another with all the Linux systems I have tried on it, Ubuntu, Puppy, Nimblex, Fedora, I could go on but Knoppics might just do it. I have a DVD CD or what ever but the Save Knoppics configuration is missing, swap file and all the others are there so I am wondering if the DVD is at fault so thought I would download and burn another as this new computer will do it but when I saw the size of it I have no discs to do it. Can you please tell me if Save Knoppics configuration is actually present in 5.3?

Harry Kuhman
07-13-2009, 07:42 PM
Saving the configuration is a completely different issue than burning the image to CD or DVD. I have never gotten saving the configuration to work right, so I don't know if it is present in 5.3.1. I'll leave that for others to answer. If it is there I strongly suggest that you don't save to a NTFS partition, saving to a small flash drive would be the prefered option.