View Full Version : Persistent Disk from USB causing mounting problems??

08-14-2009, 09:59 AM
When knoppix told me to create a persistent disk, I did. Great it's saving my email and everything is goody goody. So then I go to access my hard drive which it shows the icon for and is in perfect working order for my dual boot system. It gives me this error message 1st Error org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure, then it says Error org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure, and finally says Directory doesn't exist!. So I boot into my cd knoppix and recreate the flash disk. Still getting the errors, I booted into windows and killed the knoppix persistent disk and wiped it out. Booted back into knoppix created the persistent disk again, and my drives are mountable, YAY (for the moment). Then I load up my mail profile from my thunderbird in windows and paste it too my knoppix icedove. Start up icedove, everything is going great my emails and extensions are there. So I reboot to make sure it stuck, loaded it up yes it stuck and my email is there. Go to check if my harddrive is still mountable. The errors have came back also.

Basically boils down to that I get the errors after a reboot when using a persistent drive on my usb stick.
Directory doesn't exist!

Is there anyway to keep my hard drive mountable and have a persistent drive on the usb drive that I'm booting knoppix from? BTW, IDK if it is important but I'm using a sata hard drive and the device number or whatever was SDA1 and it is NTFS.

09-09-2009, 10:42 PM
First: Don't write to a NTFS partition from Linux unless you know EXACTLY what is goint on!
Second: If you want to freely access drives in Knoppix, you should learn the Unix mount mechanism, and of course know about user privileges.
To access the main Win NTFS partition, I use

root@Microknoppix:# mkdir /mnt/sda3
root@Microknoppix:# mount -o ro /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3

Then I can use a file manager to explore (I use mainly Konqueror, installed on 6.0.1 with Synaptic)