View Full Version : Iceweasel in Knoppix 6.0.1 doesn't load

09-06-2009, 02:48 AM
I'm using the 6.0.1 CD on a thinkpad T42, 1.5 gb memory, not using any startup codes, just "Knoppix".

It loads just fine and I can configure the network, but when I try to start Iceweasel, nothing happens. Nothing visible, that is. I do see the CPU meter peak for a few moments, then fall back down. I was even able to capture the iceweasel task in a shell window with ps ("/usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin -a firefox"), but it disappears about the same time the CPU meter falls.

Any thoughts on why it would start to load, then die?


09-09-2009, 10:14 PM
I have had a similar problem with Firefox in Mandriva. There, the hard disk was probably the problem. I would have tried with several other media, including USB-sticks. I am writing this with IceWeasel and 6.0.1 running from a hard disk copy from USB (NOT hard disk install!!!)om a Dell Vostro 1710 (but I have used the same USB adaptation on several machines), I would suspect som kind of hardware problem.