View Full Version : Should I be able to drag and drop from list of found files?

09-10-2009, 08:35 PM
Hi - This was my first time trying to use Knoppix to rescue data from a dying hard drive. I was using version 6.0.1.

I couldn't find documents by looking in the My Documents folder, but I was able to get a list of them by using Find Files, *.doc. However, when I tried to drag and drop files from the list to my USB flash drive, they wouldn't go. No error message about write permissions or anything, just nothing. I did check the write permissions anyway, and got there from Properties for the USB drive. Changing settings didn't help.

Is this normal, or should I be able to drag and drop from the list of found files? If so, any tips of making it work? Thanks.

(BTW, Knoppix seemed to work a miracle this time anyway--when I restarted the computer the next time, Windows XP finally booted again even though the Hard Drive Diagnostics still said Fail!)


09-11-2009, 05:13 AM
I am having the exact same problem... I am so excited to see my stuff still there but can not get it to move for nothing...
I have tried usb thumbdrive and I attached a HDD to a USB cord and both are recognized.
Please help..