View Full Version : Where is xfs_repair?

09-22-2009, 11:43 AM
Absolute knoppix newbie (brought up on SunOS and System V, both now lapsed). I recently bought the knoppix 6.0 live CD and was intending to use it to repair a filesystem on a linkstation live, yet to my surprise xfs_repair seems to be missing. Did I order the wrong thing?

If it is the wrong thing maybe I should just get a flash drive and the correct download.

Sorry for the mundane question, but xfs_repair seems to be AWOL and I can't find any other posts about it being missing.


Harry Kuhman
09-22-2009, 12:49 PM
According to the packages lists, 6.01 has the package x11-xfs-utils . 5.01 CD has packages xfsdump and xfsprogs . 5.3.1 DVD has x11-xfs-utils xfsdump and xfsprogs . I'm not sure which package, if any, contains the utility that you are looking for, I'll leave that to you. Overall, people have been pretty disappointed by the contents of the 6.x releases, but have been able to use apt-get to add what is missing. If you have the newest version then you have 6.01, I would really suggest that you use the Documentation link near the top of this page and use a BitTorrent client to download the 5.3.1 DVD ISO (then burn it at slow speed), your Knoppix experience will be very different (although 5.3.1 is very poorly organized and most of the packages ended up in "lost and found" rather than where they should be in the menus).

09-22-2009, 12:51 PM
OK, thanks Harry.

09-22-2009, 08:50 PM
Harry, burned a DVD as instructed, filesystem now recovered (with a few lost+found entries).

Thank you for your help. Phew.

Now to backup the good stuff..

Harry Kuhman
09-22-2009, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

09-23-2009, 08:37 AM
You're welcome. One comment I can make is that booting from the CD for Knoppix 6 is a much faster business than the Knoppix 5 DVD and Knoppix 6 feels snappier to use - probably because Knoppix 5 set up the mouse to move like a snail and didn't recognise double taps as a click (I was using an inspiron laptop). A much better experience with 6 (apart from the fact the CD didn't have the utility I needed) as a result.


09-23-2009, 01:28 PM
That's great new, Paul. Harry isn't the only one who has complained about the latest version and they do have some points. But glad to know that some find Knoppix 6 better :)