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View Full Version : Installing the EXE - simples?

Jason G
11-19-2009, 10:30 AM
Hi all,

My laptop - Acer Aspire One running Linux has just suffered a possible OS failure, it only gets as far as the 2nd boot-up splashscreen before freezing - with 3-4Gbs of essential files seemingly lost!!!

Anyway, on another forum a very helpful member has suggested installing Knoppix via a CD on an external drive, then re-accessing my HDD that way. So, I have now downloaded the EXE file at 282Kb from BitTorrent, so can I simply copy that one 282.3Kb file onto a CD using my Mum's computer, plug in the external CD drive and get the broken Linux to boot from a USB CDRom drive, even though no drivers are installed?

Thanks in advance!

Take care,

Jason 8)

Harry Kuhman
11-19-2009, 10:38 AM
I don't know what exe file you have that you think is only 284k, but Knoppix is not an exe file, and is much larger. Also, it would be interesting to know what you plan to do once you get Knoppix made and booting. If you plan on removing the files that you hope to recover, either by transferring them to another computer on a network, or writing them to an external media like a flash drive, a CD or DVD, or a FAT formatted external drive (and not an NTFS formatted drive), then good. But if you plan on somehow fixing your Windows system by writing that 284k exe file onto the NTFS partition with Knoppix, you should be warned that that may only make a bad situation much worse.

Jason G
11-19-2009, 10:48 AM
Hi Harry,

Thanks for the quick reply!

Sorry, my mistake. So, where can I download it from? I'm new to this. Oh, and I plan on just installing Knoppix, then transferring my HD files through to a USB stick or other, the forgetting about the lappie.

Thanks again!

Harry Kuhman
11-19-2009, 10:57 AM
Near the top of this page is a "Documentation" link. Find that, follow it to reach our wiki, then find and read the Downloading FAQ.

Once you do that, near the top of the page is a link marked "Get Knoppix". Follow that link for the actual download. I strongly suggest using BitTorrent rather than the mirrors, for reasons that are covered in the downloading FAQ. Good Luck.