View Full Version : Configuring Knoppix V6.2

11-25-2009, 11:39 AM
Downloaded the CD version of Knoppix V6.2 Nov 18, 2009!
My friends i came here with some doubts too, after installing Knoppix to HD(with a strange installation that not accept my configuration with gparted only with the "auto" method and with reiserfs filesystem) i perceive that i cannot access the terminal after installing the system, theres no "ctrl+alt+f*" and what give me a real problem its the lack of the multi-user mode by default in this installation. Someone can help me with these two questions?
1: How i can get the multi-user mode(no auto-login)???
2: How i can access the tty in the console(ctrl+alt+f*)?

Well, this is it.