View Full Version : broken monitor and boot disk w/ sshd

11-28-2009, 08:55 PM
A friend of mine has a windows comp, the monitor just broke, and I would like to set up an ssh-server on it in order to gather the files. I need to be able to boot up w/out much or any gui configuration. and be able to set up an ssh server. I have used ssh server and client plenty, so I am familiar w/ it and the command line.

Harry Kuhman
11-28-2009, 09:01 PM
Good luck with that, but it is not something Knoppix is particularly good at. Personally, I would just stick a different monitor on the computer. Even laptops will almost always allow the use of an external monitor.

11-28-2009, 09:33 PM
would ftp be more suitable for this task?

Harry Kuhman
11-28-2009, 09:42 PM
Without a monitor, I expect that you will have problems configuring Knoppix for much of anything. I wouldn't trust it to work setting it up on another system and saving the configuration, as some other hardware configuration issue is likely to get you. Had you configured a system before the monitor failed, that could well work. But at this point I really would hook up another monitor.

I do use FTP to transfer files from a system if there are Windows software issues. I'll generally install an FTP server on another system, then use an FTP client in Knoppix to transfer the files. I used to use Konquror, but I understand it has vanished from 6.2. Other browsers should work, or even the command line FTP client.

11-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Thanks for your input.
Ive just ran into some network booting info...I saw something about PXE in the FAQ, I'll do some research on that, but I'll have to do it the easy way this time as its not my comp.
Thanks again.

Harry Kuhman
11-28-2009, 10:05 PM
I have several computers that can do a PXE boot. But I have yet to ever boot one this way. Used to boot Netware in a similar way over a decade ago, but I have yet to find and live Linux CD or DVD that includes a pre-configured PXE server that could be used for booting other systems on the network. If you find one, or make one, please let us know.