View Full Version : SOLVED:!!! Want Sunday Calendar in Gnome

11-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Using Knoppix V6.2-EN booted with "knoppix desktop=gnome"

I would like to have the calendar start week start with Sunday

Where is the code for this? I could not find it when I searched for "calendar"

Also, How do I save the settings to a flash drive so I can use them at the next boot?

Thanks for your help.

I booted my computer in Puppy Linux and the calendar can be set to start on Sunday.
This solves my issue. I now have a Linux that works. The Puppy forum is also supported.
134 people have looked at this post before I changed it today. No One posted a reply.
I have moved on to other Linux Distributions and I am happy with Barry's Puppy 4.3.1
Thank you for not answering my post. It forced me to look elsewhere for solutions.

I am thankful for Knoppix. When it came out it was the first Live Linux CD I tried back
many, many years ago. It helped the community to realize that Linux could be run from
a CD and work. Many other distributions have followed that lead.