View Full Version : PhotoRec 5.1.1 Query

12-28-2009, 09:15 PM
Hello. Just started using Photorec. Have researched it for months. Here is my question. When I get to the point where it says "Do you want to save recovered files in /home/your_name/Desktop/TestDiskPhotoRec/testdisk etc (Y/N), what do I do? I want the files saved to my USB Thumbdrive.
Will it give me the option to save it there? If I click (Y), where will it store the recovered files? On the PCs Hard drive? Please help.

01-03-2010, 08:48 PM
Hello. Just started using Photorec. Have researched it for months. Here is my question. When I get to the point where it says "Do you want to save recovered files in /home/your_name/Desktop/TestDiskPhotoRec/testdisk etc (Y/N), what do I do? I want the files saved to my USB Thumbdrive.
Will it give me the option to save it there? If I click (Y), where will it store the recovered files? On the PCs Hard drive? Please help.

Are you using the Live CD or an installed Knoppix system?

In both cases you answer Y and enter, the files are then stored in

If you have an installed system the "your_name" is replaced by the username you installed; if not then replace "your_name" with "knoppix" without the quotes.
You can then plug in an external usb memory stick or usb hard disk and drag and drop the receovered files across.

01-08-2010, 07:18 PM
Thank you hal8000!! I have been searching for that answer for MONTHS!! For the record, I am using Knoppix 5.1.1 LIVE CD. I also just downloaded Hiren's Boot CD which also contains PhotoRec.
The system I'm attempting to recover files from is a 2002 era PC. The drive crashed months ago. Drag and drop won't work here. I'll need to run PhotoRec and recover these files. Thank you for your response. It is very valuable to me. Please feel free to reply with any other PhotoRec info that you deem important. Thank you again.

01-15-2010, 01:55 PM
can you mount that damaged HD or ls into it? (or locate any files on it ?) ( using "locate")

ensure you have plenty of empty space for all those files your trying to copy.