View Full Version : Creating a bootable Knoppix CD/DVD

01-01-2010, 02:09 AM
I am new to this web site so my questions may be naive ... please be patient.
In looking at the Knoppix ftp sites, for Knoppix 6.2, if I am correct, there are
5 files that need to bee downloaded to be burned to CD or DVD. Am I correct ?
Are there other file (or other information) that needs to be downloaded ?
Once the files (iso ?) are downloaed to my laptop's HD, is there any special
process or program that needs to be run in order to burn the files to a CD/DVD
from which my latop can boot ?
The Knoppix web site talssk about creating a Live CD or Live DVD.
I realize that a DVD has more storage than a CD, but are more files being
written to disk when a Live DVD is cerated, or are the files the same as those
written to a CD ?

Am I missing anything else in learning how to create/burn a Knoppix CD/DVD ?

Thank you

Harry Kuhman
01-01-2010, 02:16 AM
Follow the documentation link near the top of this page to get to the wiki. Find and read the Downloading FAQ. Read all of it. Your questions should be answered.