View Full Version : Windowx XP stopped seeing LAN cable connected after Knoppix

01-10-2010, 01:01 AM
Howdy! I have ran Knoppix Live CD (from Nov 2009) on Windows XP. It worked (works) great, but after it the installed Windows XP stopped recognizing the LAN cable as connected. If I start Knoppix it still works, though. Now, I had a similar problem with Mandriva, Vista and sound card, and a solution was that Linux wrote smth into the buffer of the card, so that Windows couldn't see it any more. Don't you know, what could it be here?

Thank you!

01-10-2010, 05:12 AM
Alright. The simple download of the new windows driver solved the problem. Still weird there was an interference, but whatever works... Thanks.

01-13-2010, 07:04 PM
Alright. The simple download of the new windows driver solved the problem. Still weird there was an interference, but whatever works... Thanks.

I don't think the knoppix live CD will write something onto your disk or your hardware buffer. That's the spirit of live CD, leave the existing software untouch.

I guess your windows is not setup properly at the first place. You can try again now. With your new proper windows driver installed. Boot up knoppix live CD again and then back to Windows.

Your windows should be in good shape.
