View Full Version : My right mouse button on the desktop don't and I can't change the wallpaper

04-14-2010, 08:42 AM
Hi .')

I'd like to ask poliely, how is it possible that 2 effects occured inside the awesome Knoppix 6.2. It happened 3 days ago and as I'm a newbie I couldn't find the answer anywhere.

Here it goes.

My mouse is working correctly and so is my laptop right click button, but every time I click RMB (right mouse button) on the desktop nothing happens and there is no menu like earlier when I installed it month ago.

Second thing as a clue is, that my permissions being lowered. I noticed it when at the very first beginning I used the root console to copy thanks to the command "sudo -r $HOME/Wallpapers/knoppix.png usr/local/lib" wallpaper, cause this doesn't change anything and the wallpaper stays the same.

I'm newbie in Linux, so I choosed Knoppix cause I think I like it more than Ubuntu that caused me many problems in tha past.

I changed grub boot line and added keyboard=pl & lang=pl cause I'm from Poland.

Changed some style to some I like, but as you all know, wallpaper and the mouse doesn't wok since those 3 days. Even when I try to set the wallpaper inside the graphic program, I can't see any changes.

How can I solve these two connected with each other stations occued on my laptop?

Maybe I should raise permissions somehow, but I don't know what went wrong. Since then I can't load right mouse click on the desktop and load the Wallpaper software to change it.

Can someone help me?

04-15-2010, 11:54 PM
There is a very simple way to avoid accidental changes to Knoppix, like you seem to experience.
1. Use as stable a version as possible to start from. Right now, it's 6.2.1 or 6.3. Check and verify downloading and burning.
2. Set up a USB stick with FAT32 file system as your master stick. Install Knoppix to it using the "Install Knoppix to flash disk" option, make a persistent image on it, as big as possible, and in any case >2 GB.
3. Do all modifications, updates etc to this stick, and when you are done, use the same command to install your whole system to another stick, which you run from.
4. Whenever you want to do changes to your system, you can try them out on your working copy first, and only when you are sure they work as intended, you change the master copy. (It may be a good idea to have the whole persistent image of the master backed up, for instance to a USB harddisk.) Setup your working stick anew.
5. Restore the /home directory from backup to the working stick. (Yes, you DID make regular backups of your /home structure, didn't you?) Sometimes, some configuration files must be updated.

Maybe you say that this is all well, but it's irrelevant because you are working with ordinary HD installs of Knoppix. That's fine with me, but don't blame anybody but yourself for using Knoppix in ways it is not intended to, and don't pretend you are running the real Knoppix that way. You are running a genetically damaged version of Debian.

04-16-2010, 07:42 AM
You're right it's maybe "genetically damaged", but I'm a "happy n00b" and I wish there would be a cure for it. Not to blame someone, espacially if it is very hard work to build something like that, but I think it's solvable, even if it's beta. When it comes for other functions all works fine, I can even replace the wallpaper myself (I've learned how to do it myself .')

I couldn't backup any data, cause I have leaved ordinary OS for the happiness of using Knoppix which I think is better in many ways, espacially when it comes for movies I love.

No, I don't use Knoppix in "not intended ways".

All I wish is to learn more about this awesome OS. I think I've positively many simple corrections also myself.

There is no documentation thu, so it's difficult for a newbie like me, so please, don't discourage me ^^.

11-25-2010, 12:49 PM
It's simple really. The setting in pcmanfm->preferences->desktop is reversed. UNcheck the "Show menus provided by the WM when the desktop is clicked"

04-19-2011, 03:33 PM
where do I find "pcmanfm->preferences->desktop? I have the same problem with my right mouse button, running 6.4.4. Thanks a lot.

05-19-2011, 05:37 AM
where do I find "pcmanfm->preferences->desktop? I have the same problem with my right mouse button, running 6.4.4. Thanks a lot.
In a terminal enter
pcmanfm --desktop-pref