View Full Version : Adding overlay size in boot does nothing

04-30-2010, 04:14 AM
I am using 6.2. I downloaded Knoppix and installed it to an 8GB USB drive.

It asks during boot for the size of the overlay file (300MB to 4000MB). I enter 3000MB, and do OK, and it does not ask me anything about encryption, it just boots. I have a very fast system, so maybe there is some kind of timing issue?

Here are the instructions I used to install the flash drive:

knoppix@Microknoppix:/mnt-system/KNOPPIX$ ls
README_Security.txt index_it.html license.txt
background.jpg knoppix modules
index_de.html knoppix-cheatcodes.txt sha1sums
index_en.html knoppix-logo-medium.png sources.txt
index_fr.html knoppix-logo-small.png

Here is an ls of where I thought the overlay file belongs:

knoppix@Microknoppix:/mnt-system/KNOPPIX$ ls
README_Security.txt index_it.html license.txt
background.jpg knoppix modules
index_de.html knoppix-cheatcodes.txt sha1sums
index_en.html knoppix-logo-medium.png sources.txt
index_fr.html knoppix-logo-small.png

04-30-2010, 01:04 PM
I am using 6.2. I downloaded Knoppix and installed it to an 8GB USB drive.

It asks during boot for the size of the overlay file (300MB to 4000MB). I enter 3000MB, and do OK, and it does not ask me anything about encryption, it just boots. I have a very fast system, so maybe there is some kind of timing issue?

Here are the instructions I used to install the flash drive:

knoppix@Microknoppix:/mnt-system/KNOPPIX$ ls
README_Security.txt index_it.html license.txt
background.jpg knoppix modules
index_de.html knoppix-cheatcodes.txt sha1sums
index_en.html knoppix-logo-medium.png sources.txt
index_fr.html knoppix-logo-small.png

Here is an ls of where I thought the overlay file belongs:

knoppix@Microknoppix:/mnt-system/KNOPPIX$ ls
README_Security.txt index_it.html license.txt
background.jpg knoppix modules
index_de.html knoppix-cheatcodes.txt sha1sums
index_en.html knoppix-logo-medium.png sources.txt
index_fr.html knoppix-logo-small.png

I suggest you dump everything on the flash, reboot, and use the built-in flash install utility ("Install Knoppix to flash disk" on the Preferences menu.)


04-30-2010, 04:51 PM
I solved my problem. I think that the documentation is a bit weak in this area.

Since the "personal file" choice said between 300MB to 4000MB, I thought I should enter something like 3000MB. I even tried 3GB.

This is incorrect. It wants only the integer.

Am I completely alone in thinking that it wanted the "MB"? Otherwise I think they should make this clear somewhere. I have not seen any screenshots or examples of what to enter for the response for the "personal file" during boot.

I can't figure out how to enter a bug report on 6.2. Bug reports seem to stop at 5.3:

Here is what I could find on customization:

Do I add something of my own to the custmization wiki?

04-30-2010, 08:31 PM
Glad to know your problem is solved.

Do I add something of my own to the custmization wiki?
It's a Wiki, JohnKlug, go right ahead, register, update away and make it more useful for others :)

05-01-2010, 09:51 PM
I updated the customization FAQ, specifying that the size must be an integer:

http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Customizing_FAQ (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/../wiki/Customizing_FAQ)