View Full Version : Newbie here...

07-11-2010, 05:48 AM
Hello. I'm a newbie from NC USA and I have some questions. I downloaded the knoppix 6.2.1 release 2010-01-31 and put it on a dvd. i would appreciate any replies to my questions.

How do I get it to stop talking? I don't want it talking everytime I mouse-over or click on something.

I used iceweasel 3.5.6 to try to connect to my wireless network. it says "connection established. you are now connected to dlinkwireless. But when I try to browse the internet I cannot. I get a page not found error.

Thanks for any help and I'm sure I'll have some more questions as I learn more about knoppix.

07-11-2010, 02:39 PM
Hello. I'm a newbie from NC USA and I have some questions. I downloaded the knoppix 6.2.1 release 2010-01-31 and put it on a dvd. i would appreciate any replies to my questions.

How do I get it to stop talking? I don't want it talking everytime I mouse-over or click on something. Did you get the 'Adrianne' version for visually-impaired folks? It bugs me, too. At boot time (big penguin onscreen), you can override the default and force the regular GUI interface as follows:
If that fixes it, just download the non-Adrianne version (it can be done by tweaking, but it's easier by far, IMHO, to just get the right one.)

I used iceweasel 3.5.6 to try to connect to my wireless network. it says "connection established. you are now connected to dlinkwireless. But when I try to browse the internet I cannot. I get a page not found error.
That sounds like a DNS problem. I recommend manually setting it in the network manager, if you can get the DNS Server numbers (depends on your ISP - look.on their website or call in to get them) you can set them. To look at the setup and change it, right-click the icon on the taskbar to the left of the clock (probably looks like a staircase once connected.) You'll need a "persistent store" to avoid having to set it every time, which means flash memory or hard drive space.

Thanks for any help and I'm sure I'll have some more questions as I learn more about knoppix.

Hope that helps!
Krishna :mrgreen: