View Full Version : Create ~/.xsessionrc for quick session changes

07-23-2010, 07:28 PM
Since ~/.xsessionrc is activated by xsession why not use it ? Just create it in your home folder and use it to make quick settings to X. Here is an example of mine:

# turn off default screensaver
xset s off s noblank s 0 0

# Set mouse accelaration. Works before LXDE takes over. To change final setting edit ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
xset m 5/2 4

# Set gamma correction
xgamma -rgamma 1.05 -ggamma 1.15 -bgamma 1.136

# Load monitor ICC profile
dispwin -d 1 ~/.config/color-profiles/IBMTPLCD.ICM

# Start xcompmgr
xcompmgr -a &

# Start clipboard-daemon
clipboard-daemon &

# Start keyboard layout switcher
setxkbmap -option '' 'us,bg' ',phonetic' 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll'

# Enable key sequence to kill the X server. Old behaviour
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

07-24-2010, 12:08 AM
Hey, mecho. You've got a lot of little goodies here. I'm using 6.2.1 and I cannot locate .xessionrc anywhere. I can apply many of these ideas just as well via rc.local now that you've laid them all out so nicely. It would help to explain some of the entries a bit more. I think Krishna, or you have something somewhere on clipboard-daemon, I've used the mouse accel idea before. xcompmgr, setxkbmap, dispwin aren't familiar. Can you elucidate?

07-24-2010, 03:29 AM
.xsessionrc is not in knoppix by default, but it is activated by xsession. All you need is to create it in your home folder. It is way better to use .xsessionrc to pass commands, then using rc.local
I use setxkbmap to set my dual layout keyboard, so I can type both in Bulgarian and English and switch between keyboard layouts using Alt+Shift
dispwin is part of argyll package and is used to load monitor color profiles
xcompmgr is composite manager. It gives some nice effects to X like shadows, transparency etc. It is still not very stable and I dont use shadows and transparency, but I do use the accelerated desktop it provides. At least that feature is stable enough.
clipboard-daemon is used to protect your clipboard, so you don't loose it's content when you close the source application

07-24-2010, 04:10 AM
The second setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
Applies the old X key sequence to restart X using Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace. Its useful sometimes if you experience some system freeze