View Full Version : 6.2.1 Wi-Fi with WEP 128 Hex key with numbers and letters

08-22-2010, 12:03 AM
:confused:My WI-FI network is recognized but my WEP 128 bit Hex key combination of numbers and letters is
apparently not recognized. Asks me for key twice then disconnects?

08-22-2010, 02:11 PM
I have a similar problem, when i create a protected wireless connection with knoppix, then the key isn't accepted on the windows 7 machine with which i try to connect.

08-23-2010, 12:48 AM
I have encountered this before too. But if I remember correctly, after I make the setting, then I logout and logout from Xwindow again, it then works. That's one of the quirks of network manager. Not sure if that will work for you or not.

08-31-2010, 06:54 AM
I had a similar problem in Debian with WEP and wicd. network-manager may differ. The work around I made was to enter the HEX key and the essid with iwconfig.

As root,

iwconfig eth0 key restricted <26_digit_HEX_Key>

iwconfig eth0 essid <connection_ID>Then I successfully prompt wicd to connect or it would before I could.

I made an alias that would run as root:

alias <a_connection_name>='sudo -u root iwconfig eth0 key restricted <26_digit_HEX_Key> && iwconfig eth0 essid <connection_ID>'
Can't test this with network-manager since I am not having the problem.

Kind Regards,