View Full Version : where is the save configuration menu item?

11-26-2010, 07:26 PM
I am an ubuntu user and just tried knoppix from DVD the first time. I downloaded KNOPPIX_V6.2.1DVD-2010-01-31-EN.iso, burned it to a DVD and it booted beautifully. I changed some settings and now want to save them. Here are the instructions:

Save Knoppix Configuration

This can be launched from the Knoppix Menu -> Configure -> Save
Knoppix configuration. It saves many configuration settings and also
your /home directory into a file. It also creates a script knoppix.sh
which will run at the next reboot to load the saved settings.

To load the saved configuration at the next reboot, enter the cheat
code knoppix myconfig=<path to where config was saved>.

However, I looked carefully and could not find a "save knoppix configuration" item. I tried saveconfig on the command line, but the command was not recognized. What is it I am not getting? Everything else appears to work fine. I even have immediate write access to my harddrive.

11-26-2010, 09:20 PM
It looks like this topic was addressed here: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/threads/28716-Need-help-with-saving-configurations?highlight=save+configuration. However, I am trying to use knoppix on a windows computer at work, and somehow the IT people managed it that I can't boot off of the flash drive (knoppix boot starts but gets stuck very quickly). In any case, is there a way to do it "the old way" where you use the DVD/CD and save both configuration file and home directory to a file on a flash drive?

11-26-2010, 09:45 PM
It is misleading. Apparently the language was carried over from previous versions. However, I have heard it said that the method for doing this can be accomplished using the install to flash disk, and booting from the flash disk - with 5 GB space allocated for home. I currently use 6.2.1 HD install, which should only be used for remastering - so it is said. Be advised, until someone fixes it if you do HD install, and do not comment out all but "stable", "lenny", and "volitile" in /etc/spt/sources.list - OpenOffice will break, no word program. I like it as is.

11-27-2010, 10:19 PM
It is misleading. Apparently the language was carried over from previous versions. However, I have heard it said that the method for doing this can be accomplished using the install to flash disk, and booting from the flash disk - with 5 GB space allocated for home. I currently use 6.2.1 HD install, which should only be used for remastering - so it is said. Be advised, until someone fixes it if you do HD install, and do not comment out all but &quot;stable&quot;, &quot;lenny&quot;, and &quot;volitile&quot; in /etc/spt/sources.list - OpenOffice will break, no word program. I like it as is.

Sorry... should have read /etc/apt/sources.list