View Full Version : I'm having some problems with wine and dpkg

03-01-2011, 10:12 AM
I'm new to linux, and have been doing an ok job of getting it to work on my lonesome. However I'm getting errors using dpkg on the lines of no such file or directory found. I've got all the file names right when i put the command in. But knoppix doesn't seem to be able to find them. Don't know if i'm doing something wrong or if it's broken. I love linux and am using is as my only OS after getting fed up with windows stupidity. Just need a little help along my way,

Werner P. Schulz
03-01-2011, 12:57 PM
... don't use Knoppix as your only OS. It is designed for demonstration and experience purpose and last but not least as a recovery tool. But out of the box there are no security updates, no root password and no user mangement.

Why not Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for example?

As a beginner to Linux don't use dpkg for installation and deinstallation of software. Try 'Preferences/ Synaptic Package Manger'.

Greetings Werner * http://www.wp-schulz.de/knoppix/summary.html
Own Rescue-CD with Knoppix (Knoppix V6.4.4 remaster)

03-01-2011, 03:06 PM
Hi DreadBob and welcome to the Knoppix forums.

Sorry to you ask you questions instead of giving you answers, but it is to avoid answering the wrong question and just confusing you further ...

Which Knoppix version are you using (6.4.3, 6.4.4) and are you using the CD edition or the MAXI edition on DVD ?

What exactly have to typed in and what exactly is the system's reply ? Try using copy/paste to copy the exact text into your reply.

What are you trying to achieve ? Like are you trying to install a (more recent) version of wine you have downloaded from winehq.org ?

Can you tell me if wine is already installed and, if so, which version ? If you're not sure how to do that, try dpkg -l | fgrep wine. I get stuff all with the same version number: 1.0.1-3.1.

That is kind of old. If you haven't deleted the old version yet, then you could use Synaptic to delete it (don't do that just yet) but Synaptic may not be so good at installing a .deb you have downloaded yourself.

If you are following some instructions you found on the web, could you please copy the URL into your reply so Werner, I and others can have a look at them ? Just because they are on the web doesn't mean they are correct.

If you have downloaded a new version of wine, can you let us know the URL you got it from ? (If you typed in a command starting with wget, then copy/paste that line into your reply).

You're a brave man, DreadBob. Good luck.

03-02-2011, 02:03 AM
Questions are just fine, it means progress. I'm running knoppix 6.4.4 cd installed to HD. From what I've read I maybe shouldn't have done that, I'm looking into getting a more solid version of linux, thanks for the link btw. Knoppix is just a starting point for me. I'm using vwine 1.0.1. I tried apt-get to update wine and it said i had the latest version. I think I don't have the right repositories in my sources.list. I'm trying to open the WoW download client in wine. When I put the command in i get this back. sudo # wine WoW-4.0.0-WOW-enUS-Installer.exe wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\WoW-4.0.0-WOW-enUS-Installer.exe": Module not found I installed adobe flash player using apt-get as well. That worked fine. I tried that after failing at downloading the .deb package and trying to use Synaptic Package Manger. Which I assume failed due to unfamiliarity with the program. If you could refer me to a tutorial of some kind for Package Manager that would be much appreciated. Hoping I helped you to help me. Thanks. And sorry its all clumped together. I don't know how to put in breaks it seems

Werner P. Schulz
03-02-2011, 09:38 AM
I tried that after failing at downloading the .deb package and trying to use Synaptic Package Manger. Which I assume failed due to unfamiliarity with the program. If you could refer me to a tutorial of some kind for Package Manager that would be much appreciated.... Synaptic by itself has a good manual. If you give Ubuntu a chance, you will find more information on this side


Greetings Werner * http://www.wp-schulz.de/knoppix/summary.html
Own Rescue-CD with Knoppix (Knoppix V6.4.4 remaster)

03-02-2011, 10:02 AM
Hi DreadBob,

Clumping eh ? I think you have java script turned off in your browser. If you are using Firefox (or Iceweasel) and you have NoScript installed you need to allow knoppix,net and googleapis.com. Alternatively, put <BR> at the end of lines.

Synaptic is a GUI front-end so it may be easier to learn with than the command line. I started that way (but with the Kubuntu equivalent). However, it's difficult to describe in forum postings (click this, click that) and many posts will give apt command lines as examples. I found I used apt more and more and the GUI less and less. A natural progression for some people. Don't rush it.

As for starting WoW ... Is the exe in the current directory when you try to start it ? Try (with the ./ aka dot-slash on front):

wine ./WoW-4.0.0-WOW-enUS-Installer.exeWhen you first run wine, it creates a hidden directory named .wine in your home directory. Under this directory somewhere is a directory that wine pretends is the root of your C: drive. I doubt wine will find your WoW installer there because you didn't know to put it there. If you think that wine is smart enough to know where your C: drive is in real life, then you will be disappointed. It will be simplest if you copy or download the installer to your Knoppix home directory.

The wine you are running is an old one. WoW might not run very well with it. You'll find wine is very unstable. The project produced a version 1.0 a couple of years back so all the big distributions have included for the sake of saying they include wine. Go to http://www.winehq.org/ to get 1.2.2 (stable) or 1.3.4 (development). The snag here is no one is producing wine packages for Debian any more so I don't know that you'll find packages that will run under Knoppix. Those made for Ubuntu might but if running Windows games under Linux is important to you then you probably should install Ubuntu (or Mint maybe). You can always download the source and build wine yourself. While not all that hard this is not beginner's stuff so unless you're a programmer or studying to be a programmer, I'd suggest you give it a miss.

Install to hd ? Never done that myself. If you can do that then I am inclined to agree with Werner. You should try a normal Desktop Distribution. Have a look on this site: http://distrowatch.com. The 'popularity' measures lower down on the right hand side is interesting. Ubuntu is by far the most popular desktop distribution, particularly if you consider Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu to be just one distribution with four desktops. They try to make it easy for beginners. I started with that distribution. The forum is very large. So large I never had to ask a question: someone had already asked it and had got an answer I could use. As I grew more experienced I found Ubuntu a bit too like Windows on the "there, there little user, do as we say, we know best and you know **** all" so I traded up to Debian. I had to learn a lot more to get Debian tweaked the way I want it. I think the new Debian will be a lot easier to learn but I still would not recommend it. I've read that once you've installed Knoppix to HD you essentially have Debian on disk. You might try Mint first. It is derived from Ubuntu (which is derived from Debian). I've read that Mint was started by a group of people who didn't think Ubuntu was easy enough for ex-Windows beginners.

03-02-2011, 11:48 PM
Well thanks for all the advice guys. I've decided to switch to Ubuntu. Thanks for helping me get started with my hopefully long and happy relationship with linux. :-D