View Full Version : Help installing on Memorystick

03-25-2011, 08:24 AM
Intel 3.0 GHz
over 8 GB memory
Ati Radeon 3850 Graphics card

Sandisk 8GB memory USB stick.

Ok, first I downloaded and Installed version 6.3.x i get to the command promt but when it loads the gui i get white stripes and nothing happens.

So then I Installed version 6.4.4, then I get to the gui but this is the only thing I see knoppix64-bootscreen.png BUT I dont see the text I only see the penguin and nothing else. I tried starting with command to change to 800*600, but still the same, only the Penguin shows.

When I press ctrl+alt+backspace several times I Sometimes get this screen knoppix64-desktop.png But No icons or anything. But I can sometimes see the taskbar flash by but then nothing.

So I tried installing version 6.2.x, and voila It works! But I dont want an old version I want the newest, so does anyone got a solution to problem with 6.4.4 ?

And Another question; I want this USB memorystick to act like its own harddrive, meaning I want to be able to work with Knoppix the same way I work with XP that I have on my PC. I want to be able to save files and settings and such, like settings for wireless, screen, icons etc. And when I start knoppix I want to get the option to load my personal settings; This Way I always get My settings when Iam at home. Is this possible and how?

Thanks for any help, especially getting 6.4.4 to work.

03-31-2011, 08:17 PM
Hmm ... ATI Radeon graphics eh ? No wonder you've problems. Knoppix has no less that three xserver-xorg-video drivers for ATI graphics. That's the open source drivers - there's a non-free '*******' from the manufacturer.

Where did you get those .png files from ? I've got the DVD MAXI edition of 6.4.4 and can't find them. They (and the impressive amount of RAM on your machine) lead me to wonder if you aren't booting the 64-bit kernel. You don't say and I can't tell from your narrative whether you can enter cheatcodes or not (but I have to assume you can).

You also don't say whether you are using the CD or the DVD (MAXI) edition (so I have to assume you are using the CD edition).


1. If you want to boot the 64-bit Linux kernel, use the DVD edition - everyone who has tried the 64-bit kernel with the CD edition has reported limited driver support.

2. If you are booting the 64-bit kernel, try booting the 32-bit kernel and see if that makes a difference (*).

3. Try the cheatcode nocomposite - the open source ATI Radeon drivers tend to be a bit short on the 3D acceleration stuff.

(*) I had an ATI / Raedeon card in a machine at work once. It worked with an old Kernel compiled for a 386. It wouldn't work with the newer kernel nor with the old kernel compiled for a 686. These drivers are about as stable as the wine project's support for Windows software.

Report back. If things still don't work, we can look at gathering some diagnostics. If you do find a magic combination, ask your question about USB install in a separate thread. It's piss easy, you should be able to work it out yourself, there are plenty of answers already on the forum for those who couldn't and, if that's not enough, there are others on the forum who can help you.