View Full Version : knoppix 6.4.4 install problems

03-27-2011, 01:46 PM
iǘ tried to use my knoppox cdrom several times but no success at all

during boot it jumps in busybox or so saying it can not mount /mem_system
same for any option I use
as I ty HD copy CDROM and disk blink for ever > 24H
all seems problematic no error message given ...... waisting a lot of time
trying to find out what is happening

see many similar messages all over ... is Knoppix 6.4.4 something that works ?????

I agree my system is somewhat old, but all I want is my old notebook having a
mobile webbrowser using installed WIFI. But this simple requirement
gets me knowhere with present dat 2011 technology ....

all parts seem to work individualy but htere is no os on the world that can make this work on my toshiba satelite ....
RUnning DSL versuion 3 but ther wifi is the pain in the ass....

04-02-2011, 10:58 AM
Hi dreuzel and welcome to the Koppix forums. It seems your post got missed in all the excitement last week.

is Knoppix 6.4.4 something that works ?????

Yes it is. Someone would have noticed by now if it wasn't. The tone of your suggestion, however, may not have encouraged anyone to reply to your post.

during boot it jumps in busybox or so saying it can not mount /mem_system

all seems problematic no error message given ...... waisting a lot of time

You have an error message:

Could not mount disk to /mnt-system. Starting debugging Shell...The boot cannot go any further so it drops into a BusyBox shell just in case you know enough to find that useful in trying to work out what is wrong. You don't, so it seems unhelpful.

see many similar messages all overYes, often people who have spent years using Windows, without learning anything much, and who now have a problem with Windows, somehow think Knoppix will fix their problem and save them the trouble of learning anything again. Nothing works complaints fall into several categories:

1. Those with brand new hardware that is just too new for Linux: not your case as you so kindly tell us you have an old Tosh.

2. Those with very old hardware that is not reliable: can't really help there but try the cheat code edd=off just in case.

3. Those with graphics chips by nvidia or ATI radeon who have broadband so fast they didn't have time to read the release notes that explain why and what to do: not your case - your boot didn't get that far.

4. Those with weird/broken hardware that need to use a special cheatcode: not yet your case as your boot fails too soon.

5. Those who downloaded the adriane image and again, didn't have time to read the release notes to understand that adriane is for the visually impaired and so doesn't waste time with luxuries like wimpy desktops: you have not got far enough for that.

6. Those who have put their CD in their CD reader the wrong way up: your CD at least boots so that is not your problem.

7. Those who have not taken sufficient care when downloading and burning the CD.

You have been unlucky. Usually anyone with the 'nothing works' complaint is told to burn a new CD really slowly regardless of their problem. You are the first for a while who appears to have problem 7.

as I ty HD copy CDROM and disk blink for ever > 24HSo why do you think you CD reader is not having problems reading your CD ?

Have you never burnt a CD on one PC that you could not read on another ?

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Try booting again with:

knoppix ide1=resetThis is suggested for cases where the boot cannot find the CD/DVD, which may be your problem.

2. Try testing your CD is sound with with:

knoppix testcdIf your CD is sound you should get:

Knoppix 6 found at: /dev/sr0
Checking KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX...I suspect you won't get this far without burning another CD but you really should check your CD is sound this way before complaining on this forum that Knoppix 6.4.4 is something that does not work.

3. Check the md5sum of the iso image you downloaded is correct. If it isn't, download it again. Use a bitTorrent download - it is much more reliable and entirely legal.

4. Burn a new CD really slowly.

How do you do 4 ? Depends on the CD burner software you use. If your software won't allow you to set a low burner speed, then get some that does.

Can I recommend some CD burner software ? No. I use Linux to burn CDs and my guess is you have not got far enough to be able to. In the bad old days I used to use SilentNight Microburner but that was when it would still fit on a 1.4 Mb diskette.