View Full Version : Is there a current changelog for Knoppix?

04-24-2011, 10:18 PM
Is there a current changelog for Knoppix?

05-01-2011, 09:05 PM
Is there a current changelog for Knoppix?

Hi columba and welcome to the Knoppix forums.

I guess no one here knows of one. I guess you tried the official Knoppix site http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html and found none. I didn't but there is a list of contents of CD and DVD there.

Each package has a change log but you have to get the source package to get to the change log and I don't know if they would tell you very much.

Knoppix packages come from serveral Debian repositories but I haven't yet found an easy way of back tracking from install package version numbers to the repository they came from. Of course, the repositories move on, particularly the testing, unstable and experimental so there is no guarantee the right source package version is still available.

The release notes say:

High compatibility with its Debian base: Aside from configuration files, nothing gets changed in Debians standard installation.

To find out which packages are Knoppix specific, look for those with the -knoppix suffix to the package name (or the adriane- prefix if you're using that Adriane). To find out which packages have been modified for Knoppix, look for those with a knoppix suffix to the package version.

I'm sorry this does not really answer your question but hopefully it hints at how to satisfy your curiosity.

05-01-2011, 11:50 PM


It's hard to know what you are looking-for from you question.
But if you'd like to know what's in Knoppix, Distrowatch has
a pretty good list of its components, and all its competition
as well.


05-02-2011, 11:22 AM
Is there a current changelog for Knoppix?
I think this is a very straight forward question which does not need elaborate answers, so my answer to this question is a straight forward "no".