View Full Version : VPN Connections

Charlie Foxtrot
04-29-2011, 04:05 AM

I've noticed that when I connect via VPN, I can no longer browse the web on my local machine. It appears that I'm using my work networks DSN, so it makes sense that it wouldn't be able to find external sites by hostname. What's odd to me is that, I can ping external website's by their ip address after I have a VPN connection, but I can't open web pages by their ip address.

In my syslog I see the following line when I make a VPN connection:

Apr 28 23:03:13 Microknoppix NetworkManager[3042]: <info> Policy set 'Work Work Work' (ppp0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Apr 28 23:0

I guess the routing on my work network prevents this? Is there any way to change this behavior?


04-30-2011, 09:09 PM
I guess the routing on my work network prevents this? Is there any way to change this behavior?


I think you surmise correctly.

Can you open a terminal and type:

routeCan you post the output for a) before and b) after you start your VPN.

Where is you get your VPN software ? Is it something they gave you are work ? Is it something that came with Knoppix ? Did you download it from an App Store ? :)

How do you start your VPN session ? Through the Network Manager ? :(