View Full Version : Installing additional software

06-13-2003, 04:51 PM
Excuse my noobie question...

I've been messing with knoppix for a few days. I would like to install this one piece of software (java-based client for the Kiseido Go Server).

It comes as a .rpm file. The KPackage program tries to install it, but fails.

Now, as I understand it, it fails because it tries to install it into the knoppix cdrom, which it can't do...

What's the best way to get around this? I have a 2nd hard drive with 2GB which I'm trying to set up as a persistent home directory. Should I be able to install it in there somehow?

06-13-2003, 09:47 PM
You can try to unpack the rpm file with the command

unp nameoftherpm.prm

This unpacks the contents of the rpm into the current directory. You then can try to start the program. If it needs special libraries, it will probably not find them because they are not installed in /lib, but in your directory. Therefore, you have to set the path to the unpacked lib directory with

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/knoppix/whateverthepathis/lib

Then try to run the program again from the same console.

06-19-2003, 05:01 PM
Is there a FAQ for installing software on a hard drive and making it work while running Knoppix off the CD?

Or should I just go buy a bigger hard drive, and install Knoppix on the hard drive?