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View Full Version : Knoppix 6.644 USB stick unable to install software

05-09-2011, 01:42 PM
OK, I downloaded 6.4.4 today and everything looks good, I created a persistent USB setup that boots well that works except for having to adjust my monitor because of problems with the nouveau driver (all distros I've tried have this problem).

The problem comes when I try to install software. For example if I try to install mldonkey or kmldonkey, via the GUI from Software Center it tells me that I need to update my catalog & requests authentication, what is it asking for? (even after I gave both knoppix and root passwords they don't work).

From the command line:
apt-get install kmldonkey tells me that this package can't be found but is mentioned in another package.

apt-get install mldonkey claims to not find anything.

Both these packages show up in the file sharing section of the Software Manager GUI

What am I doing wrong here?

05-09-2011, 03:10 PM
Greetings, DaveC

I note your programs are available on Synaptic (see the Preferences tab).
You may have to open up a few repos to find them.

05-09-2011, 10:26 PM
Greetings, DaveC

I note your programs are available on Synaptic (see the Preferences tab).
You may have to open up a few repos to find them.

Thanks Synaptic worked,
