View Full Version : How do I install utorrent?

05-16-2011, 08:14 PM
hello, i'm completely new to any linux.. someone gave me a cd of knoppix and im very fond of the speed, I now want to use mandriva but I need to download utorrent for this, I did that, the linux version, but how do I install it? i've read something about a terminal but i think i don't get it right.. I want to throw my mouse at the computerscreen, please help :P ive tried another forum but i couldnt post because the pc wanted to download the new thread thingy and that makes no sense.. well.. please help :P

05-16-2011, 09:43 PM
never mind, im going windows again. the frustrate level is too high, cant even youtube without installing something and i just dont understand google does nothing for me and i can normally find anything... thank you for the quick reply in something so basic. sorry for the sarcastic tone, this is me having a 4 hour frustrating hell of a time after a fight