View Full Version : Cannot change DocumentRoot in Apache through console.

05-20-2011, 11:36 AM
I'm using the live CD of Knoppix (no install), and I'm having a problem trying to configure Apache. The DocumentRoot I want to use is located on /media/sda1/, but it will not let me set that as the directory. I've spent the last couple days searching but the only thing I found that works is to do this:
apache2ctl start This runs Apache just fine, but if I do this:
apache2ctl -c "DocumentRoot /media/sda1/webdir/" I get this:
Action '-c DocumentRoot /media/sda1/webdir/' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information. Apache did allow an error log file to be created on the hard disk, but it says nothing about why I can't change the DocumentRoot, so I don't know if I need to change permissions to anything, or even how. Any help would be appreciated.