View Full Version : could not find any free loop devices

06-01-2011, 02:08 PM
I have an old knoppix-data.img file that I need to get some data out of. I am running knoppix 6.2.1. I have tried adding the max_loop=64 to the ramdisk lines in /mnt-system/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg file, and running the [ for ((i=8;i<64;i++)) do mknod loop$i b 7 $ done ] command. When I try to run [ mount -o loop /media/sda3/NewFolder/knoppix-data.img /tmp/KDold ] it always says, "mount: could not find any free loop devices" I have done this sucessfully once in the past, but forgot if there was another command that I need to do in there somewhere.
Could someone please help me access the old data file? Yes, I have rebooted the system several times.

06-01-2011, 09:26 PM
ah, that damn bug back again :p
what you can do is

mount -o loop=/dev/loop2 ...

rm -r -f /dev/loop
mount -o loop /media...

and what I did was adding the line

rm -r -f /dev/loop to rc.local

I suggest the first option if it's for 1 time.

06-03-2011, 12:12 AM
thank you. Option 1 worked. had to manualy create KDold, but the rest was just plug and play.