View Full Version : Some minor housekeeping for Knoppix 6.7 LiveCD/LiveUSB

08-11-2011, 08:21 PM
1. LXterminal & root terminal may not retain config changes.
I installed LXDE package, configured these, then deleted the
LXDE package.

2. aumix may not retain settings, even if you supply .aumixrc.
Forget .aumixrc; add the required values to /etc/rc.local:
aumix -v75 -p100 -W100

3. If Chromium &/or IceWeasel flash don't work at first,
you probably need to add flashplugin-nonfree via synaptic.
If you have the plug-in, make sure it is enabled.

4. Silent Monks is an entertaining test for flash and sound:

5. To disable laptop touchpad in favor of wireless mouse, do
sudo leafpad /etc/X11/Xsession.d/15x11-disable_touchpad
(add the following and save)
synclient TouchpadOff=1

6. Use the undocumented digital clock format %l:%M%P.
That's a small ell, not a capital eye.