View Full Version : Flash Player Update

10-22-2011, 10:24 AM
HI! I have about 3 weeks using Knoppix 6.7 Live-USB mode, and I say that is the best distribution, complete for a normal person, although I am a person of advanced knowledge I have my faults and my share of ignorance.

Libre Office spite that is too heavy, because it is almost the same as OpenOffice, but anyway, the point is that:

The problem is that when I try to play a video or Flash game online, says to update, it downloaded from the Knoppix Package Manager and nothing, I have also tried downloading the installation package from adobe.com but not at all, I unable to watch videos or Flash content.

I want to know if possible when I'm watching a movie in Gnomeplayer the mouse is hidden when the movie plays.

Knoppix recognizes my phone via Bluetooth but does not transfer anything.

good point is that I need Flash Player to properly install the new version to work comfortably.

I hope is a simple procedure, because if they recommend it to my friends who are new in every way, I do not want to claim probelmas or complexities of using the Linux console.

I need your help, I want to change this fact alone distribution ..

Sorry if something is written incorrectly, google translator I am writing my English is very bad, I have bad grammar xD

10-22-2011, 04:01 PM
The problem is that when I try to play a video or Flash game online, says to update, it downloaded from the Knoppix Package Manager and nothing, I have also tried downloading the installation package from adobe.com but not at all, I unable to watch videos or Flash content.

Greetings donetfix, and welcome to the forum.

If you are using IceWeasel as a browser, I would suggest you
use either Synaptic or 'Menu>Preferences>Install Components'
to download & install 'flashplugin-nonfree' the Adobe flash
program that's required.

10-30-2011, 01:32 AM
Hello! utu, thanks for replying.

I did what you told me, but it has not worked, in fact I did that from the start but nothing happens, I can not see Flash content that is indispensable to the web.

Agradesco your help ... Retain this OS, because it has what I need on a basic level as office suite, media player, web browser, Pidgin and CD recorder, I will use Knoppix as auxiliary operating system Windows