View Full Version : patch knoppix kernel

11-18-2011, 11:41 AM
I am trying to build a Knoppix CD with a patched kernel. I use knoppix 6.7.1. The reason for this project can be found at http://www.knoppix.net/forum/threads/29517-fake-hardware-raid5.
I am familiar with the Remastering-Howto and I have done this a few times (only minor changes). Before applying kernel patches I would first like to rebuild the knoppix kernel and make a live CD from it. Step 2 would be to play around with kernel patches.
I went through http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Custom_Kernel_Howto but did not get the full picture yet. Some of the information seems outdated. The Howto mentions some knoppix specific patches beeing "on the CD". But where? Especially I am missing the information on the appropriate kernel source to install. After chrooting into /mnt/sda1/knx/source/KNOPPIX and apt-get update there is no know (meta-) package linux(-3.0.4) which can be easily installed. This is probably for a reason. Can anyone give me Information which source list I have to apt-cache and what I will have to install to rebuild the knoppix-Kernel?

11-18-2011, 11:36 PM
I would download and install the package linux-source-3.0.4_3.0.4-10.00.Custom_all.deb (http://debian-knoppix.alioth.debian.org/packages/linux-source-3.0.4/linux-source-3.0.4_3.0.4-10.00.Custom_all.deb). This will give you a tar archive with the kernel sources in /usr/src. After extraction you will have a new subdirectory tree with all the kernel sources.

I would suggest that you start with
make oldconfig and
make menuconfig This enables you to examine the current configuration of the Linux kernel.

You can read more on the Debian-Knoppix mailing list about how Klaus Knopper compiles a Linux kernel for Knoppix: Re: Problems trying to recompile the Linux Kernel 64 bits on Knoppix 6.7 (http://lists.debian.org/debian-knoppix/2011/08/msg00041.html)

I think you have to install some more packages like fakeroot and make-kpkg using apt-get.