View Full Version : LXDE display glitch in 6.7.1

11-25-2011, 09:06 PM
Every so often I boot either live USB or HD install and the WM has lost the surround on each window ... no title bar, so no minimise maximise or exit buttons, and no bottom or side edges. Cure is to reboot. Is there any command or action I can take to rectify this without rebooting?

11-25-2011, 10:37 PM
Two suggestions:

1) (Re-) start compiz with the menu entry from the "Preferences" menu

2) Restart the Xserver with the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination

12-01-2011, 03:33 AM
Two suggestions:

1) (Re-) start compiz with the menu entry from the "Preferences" menu

2) Restart the Xserver with the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination

I get this problem every now and then. For my case, restart compiz does not fix the problem. Re-start Xserver can fix the problem but it's a little more painful. I always managed to fix the problem by doing this at any terminal windows :-

$ gtk-window-decorator --replace &

I don't know why gtk-window-decorator misbehaved for my case. It is still running but it just misbehaved, so restarting compiz fixes nothing. If 'gtk-window-decorator' has died, then restarting compiz will fix the problem.

12-01-2011, 04:41 AM
... no title bar, so no minimise maximise or exit buttons, and no bottom or side edges...

I have this problem on rare occasion and control-alt-backspace gets me going again.
A little faster recovery than a reboot for me.

I don't recall that re-starting Compiz fixed it for me, but I have limited some of Compiz's tricks.

I suspect that the cure may depend somewhat on what you have for video hardware.
Mine is Intel GM45.

12-02-2011, 04:17 PM
Restarting Xwindow does it for me ... not Compiz ... this machine is quirky and a bit battered anyway, so nothing hardware related would surprise me ... Intel 945 Mobile, I think. So ... fixed.