View Full Version : Can't update threads

01-03-2012, 07:44 PM

For some reason I can't post reply's to threads:confused:

Appear to be able to raise new threads (such as this), but from [Reply] my reply's don't show. I can edit them on screen and they preview ok. [Submit] shows a confirmation message, but the posts don't show - either in the reply count or when viewing.

Is there something I need to change or add to my profile?
I have tried from within Knoppix, installed and live, using Ice Weasel and Chromium, and from within Windows - same results from each environment.
Please advise.

01-03-2012, 10:05 PM
Hi, I just sent you a PM about this.

Unfortunately, due to masses of spam we now pre-moderate all new user posts and these don't get made public till a mod gets a chance to look at them and approve/delete.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

01-04-2012, 01:34 PM
Hi Clinton,

I understand. Many thanks for the explanation and sorting things out - I was starting to doubt what I had seen & pressed:-D

01-04-2012, 03:31 PM
The welcome email does say that new user posts are pre-moderated. But maybe it wasn't clear enough. I've just changed the wording to explain that every new user post is held privately till a moderator approves it for public viewing.